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Subject and Verb Agreement Prezi

Subject and verb agreement is crucial to good writing. It ensures that your sentences are clear and easy to read, and it makes your writing more effective. In this Prezi, we’ll cover the basics of subject and verb agreement, including why it’s important, common mistakes to watch out for, and tips for getting it right.

Why is subject and verb agreement important?

Subject and verb agreement is important for two main reasons. First, it helps to ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct. When your subject and verb agree, your sentences are easier to read and understand. Second, subject and verb agreement can have an impact on your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. The more grammatically correct your content is, the better it will perform in search engine rankings.

Common mistakes to watch out for

One of the most common mistakes in subject and verb agreement is when the subject is a collective noun. Collective nouns are words that describe a group of people, animals, or things, such as « team, » « family, » or « herd. » When using a collective noun as the subject of a sentence, it’s important to remember that it can be either singular or plural, depending on the context. For example, « the team is » (singular) vs. « the team are » (plural).

Another common mistake is when the subject and verb are separated by a phrase or clause. In these cases, it can be easy to lose track of the subject and choose the wrong verb form. Take the sentence « The book, as well as the movie, are popular. » The subject is « book, » not « movie, » so the correct verb form is « is, » not « are. »

Tips for getting it right

To avoid these common mistakes, it’s important to be clear about who or what the subject is in your sentence. One easy way to do this is to break down complex sentences into smaller, simpler ones. For example, « The cat, who is black and white, sits on the windowsill and watches the birds » can be broken down into « The cat sits on the windowsill » and « The cat watches the birds. » This makes it easier to see that the subject is « cat, » and the verb form should be « sits » and « watches. »

Another helpful tip is to read your sentences out loud. This can help you to catch mistakes that you might not notice when reading silently. If a sentence sounds awkward or doesn’t make sense when you say it out loud, there’s a good chance that there’s a subject and verb agreement error.

In conclusion, subject and verb agreement is an important aspect of good writing and SEO. By understanding the basics of subject and verb agreement, watching out for common mistakes, and following these tips, you can improve the clarity and impact of your writing, and boost your content’s search engine performance.